About the event
This summit will have a unique approach such that you will sign up for either of the following tracks:-
Building APIs using FastAPI
JWT authentication and authorization in Django
Database design and development
Authorization and Authentication in Laravel
Microservices and designing for large scale systems.
Now You SQL Now You Don't: ORMs vs Raw SQL For Backend Applications
Responsiveness like a pro with bootstrap
Making your work easier with Vue.js Composables
Testing a Frontend Application Using Playwright and Cypress (End-to-End Testing)
Good design pattern practices
User Experience and Web Design in Front-End Development
Frontend development best practices
Navigating the cybersecurity landscape.
Introduction to capture the flag (CTF)challenges
Attacking and defending web applications
Encryption, Cryptography and Cyber Threats
Secure Development Life Cycle
Level Up Your Cyber Security Game
Designing Dashboards with Figma
The power of minimalism in UI/UX Design
Exploring emerging technologies
Dissecting Data Engineering
Discussion on how user research, personas, and user testing are used to inform design decisions and ensure that the platform meets the needs of its target audience.
Comunicating Design
Dissecting Data Engineering
Space Systems Engineering